Site Environments

At many sites multiple experiments share the computing resource. Thus experiment specific settings should not be set globally. Instead, these settings can be put in a file that will be sourced by the PanDA pilot as well as the user.

For Rubin, we defined a global parameter LSST_LOCAL_PROLOG to link the experiment specific file. The next section will describe the content of the file.


Note: This is a global export by the site. The site needs to export it before PanDA pilot starts.

For running PanDA jobs, the site only needs to export LSST_LOCAL_PROLOG. When LSST_LOCAL_PROLOG is defined, lsst pilot wrapper will source LSST_LOCAL_PROLOG during running. In this way, it will not affect other experiments. LSST_LOCAL_PROLOG can be defined in .bashrc. for example:

export LSST_LOCAL_PROLOG=/sdf/home/l/lsstsvc1/.lsst/

The content of LSST_LOCAL_PROLOG

Here are the content of LSST_LOCAL_PROLOG and corresponding descriptions.

  • Timezone:

    Set the timezone to ensure that it is consistent in logs for jobs run across sites in multiple timezones:

    export TZ=UTC
  • Realtime logging:

    To allow operators visibility into running jobs, logs can be sent to a logging service in real time, for example the Google Cloud logging. To enable this, multiple environment variables need to be set:

    # set USE_REALTIME_LOGGING to no if no realtime logging.
    # If USE_REALTIME_LOGGING is no, comment out these lines below.
    export REALTIME_LOGGING_SERVER=google-cloud-logging
    export REALTIME_LOGNAME=Panda-RubinLog
    export REALTIME_LOGFILES=payload-log.json
  • voms and x509 certificates:

    Setup voms-proxy-info and x509 CA certificates (/etc/grid-security/certificates by default). For USDF, use OSG clients for voms and x509 tools and infrastructure:

    source /cvmfs/

    For EU sites, some LCG libraries are already installed locally. So this env can be commented out:

    # setup voms and x509 proxy with LCG libaries.
  • group permission for new directories:

    It’s used for setting the permissions of some sub-directories in the job. For Rubin, the qgraph files created by users may be different from the PanDA pilot service account (they should be in the same group). This line below grants group access permission so that PanDA pilot service account can access corresponding files:

    umask 007
  • Objectstore Authentication:

    Accounts to access google realtime logging service, required by pilots to send realtime logs:

    export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/sdf/home/l/lsstsvc1/.lsst/gcs-access.json

    Authentication for file storage at the site if required, for example an objectstore. It’s not required for sites if there are no objectstore storages:

    # for USDF here
    # export AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE=/sdf/home/l/lsstsvc1/.lsst/aws-credentials.ini
  • temp directory:

    The temporary used by PANDA and job (LSST butler) for temp files. It is recommended that there is at least 2~4 GB per CPU core. Will default to /tmp if not set. Here is the SLAC example:

    export TMPDIR=/lscratch/lsstsvc1/pilot_temp/
    mkdir -p $TMPDIR
  • butler configuration:

    The location of the Butler Repository Index file. It can be a posix file or s3 objectstore file:

    # export DAF_BUTLER_REPOSITORY_INDEX="s3://butler-us-central1-panda-dev/dc2/butler-external.yaml"
    export DAF_BUTLER_REPOSITORY_INDEX="/sdf/group/rubin/shared/data-repos.yaml"

    Butler database account:

    export LSST_DB_AUTH=/sdf/home/l/lsstsvc1/.lsst/db-auth.yaml

    A temporary directory to store qgraph files, the execution butler and a few other scripts. During ‘bps submit’, the qgraph files, the execution butler (a sqlite file) and a few other scripts will be created and stored in this directory. These files will be accessed by pipeline jobs. It should be a share directory or a Grid/Cloud directory which can be accessed by all worker nodes:

    # export LSST_RUN_TEMP_SPACE="s3://butler-us-central1-panda-dev/"
    export LSST_RUN_TEMP_SPACE="file:///sdf/group/rubin/sandbox/"


Here is an example of LSST_LOCAL_PROLOG. It’s the configuration for USDF:

# A copy of /sdf/home/l/lsstsvc1/.lsst/
# It will be called automatically by pilot wrapper.

# set timezone, good for logging format for jobs from different sites, which will be helpful for debugging.
export TZ=UTC

# realtime logging
# set USE_REALTIME_LOGGING to no if no realtime logging.
export REALTIME_LOGGING_SERVER=google-cloud-logging
export REALTIME_LOGNAME=Panda-RubinLog
export REALTIME_LOGFILES=payload-log.json

# setup voms-proxy-info and x509 CA certificates (/etc/grid-security/certificates by default)
# setup osg for SLAC here (or setup lcg clients here for other sites)
source /cvmfs/

# group permission for new directories
# it’s used for setting the permissions of some sub-directories in the job.
umask 007

# accounts to access google realtime logging service, required by pilots to send realtime logs.
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/sdf/home/l/lsstsvc1/.lsst/gcs-access.json

# account to access SLAC objectstore, it’s not required for other sites if there are no objectstores.
export AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE=/sdf/home/l/lsstsvc1/.lsst/aws-credentials.ini

# SLAC temp directory, it’s not required for other sites if the default /tmp works ok
# (The default /tmp directory should be big enough because PanDA and butler will put
# some temp files in the /tmp directory. It’s good to make sure that 2~4 GB per CPU cores).
export TMPDIR=/lscratch/lsstsvc1/pilot_temp/
mkdir -p $TMPDIR

# set butlerConfig and fileDistributionEndpoint
# export DAF_BUTLER_REPOSITORY_INDEX="s3://butler-us-central1-panda-dev/dc2/butler-external.yaml"
export DAF_BUTLER_REPOSITORY_INDEX="/sdf/group/rubin/shared/data-repos.yaml"

# butler db accounts
export LSST_DB_AUTH=/sdf/home/l/lsstsvc1/.lsst/db-auth.yaml

# A temporary directory to store qgraph files, the execution butler and a few other scripts.
# During `bps submit`, the qgraph files, the execution butler (a sqlite file) and a few other
# scripts will be created and stored in this directory. These files will be accessed by pipeline
# jobs. It should be a share directory.
# export LSST_RUN_TEMP_SPACE="s3://butler-us-central1-panda-dev/"
export LSST_RUN_TEMP_SPACE="file:///sdf/group/rubin/sandbox/"