Pilot Environment on CVMFS

To make sure that the pilot can run in various environments across sites, we maintain the pilot environment by deploying necessary packages to cvmfs.

Contents in Pilot Environment

Here are the main contents in a pilot environment:

  • Conda environment with necessary dependencypackages.

  • Pilot wrapper.

  • Pilot (Pilot can be located on a http server, github, cvmfs and somewhere else. With the same Conda environment, different pilots can be used).

  • Pilot configuration file and Rucio configuration file (for Rucio integration).

  • [optional] BPS deployment (For special BPS versions or patches).

  • Setup files for users to setup PanDA environment. Users can source the files to setup LSST stack and PanDA environment, in order to submit jobs to PanDA.

How to manage it

Administrators can update files in https://github.com/lsst-dm/panda-conf/tree/main/panda_env to create different pilot environments. Here are the steps: